In order for you to see various designs, we have included some sample web sites. This will give you an idea of what you get for the various prices.
Sample Nursery School
[ view sample.. ] This site shows a typical arrangement for a children's nursery school. The options would vary depeding upon the requirements of the customer. An ADMIN type function is provided to allow news articles and newsletters to be uploaded to the site. The development cost of a similar web-site would be from £550.
Sample Conservatory Site A
[ view sample.. ] This site shows a typical arrangement for a company that sells or produces a range of products. Information is provided about the supplier and details about each product. This requires changing by JnD Solutions as and when items change or are added/deleted. Depending upon the number of products, the development cost of a similar web-site would be from £275.
Sample Conservatory Site B
[ view sample.. ] This site shows a typical arrangement for a company that sells or produces a range of products. Information is provided about the supplier and larger images of each product. This requires changing by JnD Solutions as and when items change or are added/deleted. Depending upon the number of products, the development cost of a similar web-site would be from £250. This would be one of our entry level web-sites.
Sample Flower Shop Site A
[ view sample.. ] This site shows a typical arrangement for a company that requires contact details on the web - showing basic details, about the company and the product type that they sell. This site also includes an option to link to another company (Interflora in this case) to allow sales to be made. This example allows affiliates to be set up in order to gain a percentage of the sales. The cost of this site would be from £250.
Sample Flower Shop Site B
[ view sample.. ] This site shows a typical arrangement for a company that requires contact details on the web - showing basic details, about the company and the product type that they sell. The cost of this site would be from £200. This would be one of our entry level sites.
Sample One Page Internet Presence
[ view sample.. ] This site shows a typical arrangement for a company that requires only a one page internet presence. The page would contain a link to email the company.. The cost of this site would be from £60. This is our ENTRY level site.